Bourne Primary School

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Before Starting School

What do I need to provide for my child so that they are ready for school?

Ensure that your child has the correct uniform which should be marked with your child’s name. Uniform with the Bourne logo is not a necessity however it can be purchased from the Adams School Wear shop in Ruislip or see and our uniform tab here.  Remember that your child goes outside for breaks and for learning activities so in cold / wet weather please ensure that your child has a suitable coat / jacket and shoes daily. You do NOT need to provide any pencils, pens, erasers, rulers, sharpeners or books.

Did you know that if you are entitled to Pupil Premium, you will receive an amount which you can put towards the cost of uniform, clubs or school trips each year? 

All you have to do to check if you are eligible, is provide us with some basic details  on 01895 462 359. 

Is there anything else I can do to prepare my child for school?

Ensure that your child gets a good night’s sleep when they have school the following day. 

Please ensure that your child does not wear any jewellery to school other than studs for pierced ears but these must be removed on PE days. Please bear in mind that if you plan to have your child’s ears pierced please have it done at the start of the summer holidays as it usually takes 4-6 weeks for them to heal properly.

Arriving On Time

The playground gates are shut at 8.55am. If you are later than 8.55am, please bring your child into school via the main entrance and sign them in using our digital register, providing a reason for their late arrival for monitoring purposes. It is important to try your best to be punctual but no matter how late you are please do bring your child to school.

What if my child has forgotten something that they will need at school?

We would ask that you try to make sure that your child brings everything they will need for school that day with them in the morning in order to minimise interruptions to classes and to the work of our office staff. If this is unavoidable please come to the school office via the main entrance and ensure that any forgotten items are clearly marked with your child’s name and class.

Does the school provide my child with lunch?

All primary school children are entitled to a free school meal. Meals must be ordered via the Innovate website on the Saturday before the week ahead. You can view the  menu and order lunches by clicking here

Please note: At present, all children in years Reception - Year 2 MUST have a hot school meal. If you chose the 'Pick & Mix' option (cold sandwich/roll), your child will instead be given a jacket potato with a choice of fillings. 

If you choose to provide your child with a packed lunch, please  ensure it contains no sweets, fizzy drinks or fast food. 

We are an Allergy Aware School! 

There are some children here at Bourne who suffer from severe nut allergies, we ask that you support us in keeping them safe by ensuring you pack no products containing nuts in your child's lunch box.  

Although school meals are now free, we still actively encourage parents to apply for Pupil Premium as it provides vital funds to the school and you will then be entitled to an amount each year towards school uniforms, activities or school trips. All you have to do to check if you are  eligible, is contact the school office and provide some basic details on 01895 462 359.

What if I'm late to pick up my child?

If you have an emergency whereby you are unable to collect your child at the end of the day you must contact the office staff immediately. If a child is not collected at 3.00 p.m. we will check for any information about changes to the normal collection routines. If no information is available, we will attempt to contact parents/carers at home/work/mobile phones. After 3.15pm your child will be sent to the After-School club and you will be charged for this. If by 4p.m your child remains uncollected and there has been no contact made by parents or carers, it will be necessary to contact Social Services. 

Absence Reporting

What if my child cannot attend school?

If your child is unable to attend school for any reason please phone the school office on 01895 462359 to let us know. Please give your child’s name, class and the reason for their absence. If you do not contact us, we will phone you to enquire about your child’s absence. If you know in advance that your child is going to be absent (e.g. hospital appointment) please let us know.

You may be asked to put this in writing, especially if the absence is for more than a day.

What if I need to pick up my child early?

If you need to pick your child up earlier than normal please let the office staff know in advance and they will pass the message to your child’s class teacher. When you come to collect your child you must come to the school office to sign them out.

We would ask that you avoid taking your child out of school whenever possible and understand that siblings should not be collected early. Instead, do please use our after school club so that they can remain in their lessons. Most appointments can be arranged outside school hours. Proof of appointments may be requested.


What should I do if my child is having problems which may affect his/her schooling or have a general concern?

You can  request an appointment using our  Teacher Appointment Request Form which can be found on the 'Contact Us' tab here. We also have the QR code displayed in the school office or you can request a paper copy. 

We will then contact you to arrange an appropriate time and date to meet with the teacher, it may be necessary to refer the matter to another member of staff such as phase leaders and the Deputy or Headteacher.

My Child's Progress

When will I meet my child's teacher and how do I know how my child is progressing?

In the autumn and spring term you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher at our Parents Evenings. Your child is continually assessed and we will report to you termly. In addition, every Tuesday morning is set aside for Parent consultation where you can make an appointment with the class teacher to discuss your child’s ongoing progress.