Bourne Primary School

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Week 4 Updates

The school will continue to keep all parents and carers informed with accurate information weekly and also on as often as possible.

At present, we do not have a fixed date for full reopening but we hope to reopen breakfast and after-school club services this week, depending on the progress made over the weekend. More information will follow as soon as possible. 

Please be on time!

If your child is late and misses their arrival time, they will have to wait until a member of staff is available to walk them around the outside of the school, to access their classroom. Most classes start with maths so your child is missing the essential settling in part of the day and then a core subject if they are late. 

  • Staggered arrival and exit times apply for all children regardless of whether they have siblings.
  • Please collect your child and then wait outside in the park for siblings.
  • Parents must remain in the park and stand well back from the gate to allow children to enter the school safely and line up.
  • Please dismount from bycycles and scooters before the gate.
  • Teachers will meet their class at the middle gate and walk them around to their class.
  • We politely request that all adults vacate the school entrance area as soon as possible, to allow the next class to line up.
  • We cannot have any children entering via the school office, neither can we offer shelter on site in adverse weather.


Condensed Staggered Entry Times from 14/10/24:

Nursery: 8:30am or 12.15pm

Reception: 8.30am

Year 1: 8:35am

Year 2: 8:40am

Year 3 and Year 4: 8:50am

Year 5: 8:55am

Year 6: 9:00am


Condensed Staggered Exit Times from 14/10/24:

Nursery: 11.30am, 2:30pm or 3.15pm

Reception: 2.40pm

Year 1: 2:45pm

Year 2: 2:50pm

Year 3 and Year 4: 2:55pm

Year 5: 3:05pm

Year 6: 3:10pm

Thank you for your kind words, patience and support! 

For our FAQs sheet Click Here

Reopening letter from Ms Green Click Here

Welcome back letter from the Governing Board Click Here